Jewish Education is the foundation on which Judaism is grounded. To ensure that the Jewish people not only survive but thrive, our Jewish future depends upon educating our Jewish youth. Our teachers of Jewish children are integral links in the chain of Jewish religion, culture, and peoplehood.

The good news is: you could be that next link in the chain connecting our past to our future. The better news is: by implementing a curriculum designed for volunteer teachers, you don’t need to have previous teaching experience! 

We gladly welcome those who want to help and volunteer:
• Teachers for Judaics and/or Hebrew
• Substitute Teachers
• Teachers’ Aides
• Volunteers to assist with special events, art, music, snacks, logistics, or other items as needed

We greatly appreciate our helpers and recognize them throughout the year. Please contact our principals at to discuss your regular or occasional mitzvah opportunities in our religious school.

“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”

Hillel, Pirkei Avot 1:14